Laravel Breeze 为开始一个全新的 Laravel 应用程序提供了一个很好的起点,包括登录、注册、密码重置、电子邮件验证和密码确认等基础功能。
Laravel Breeze 默认的验证提示信息、重置密码邮件内容等都是英文的,想要设置成中文的方法也很多,这里我们分享官方推荐的也是最简单的方式-本地化。
首先在 /resources/lang 目录中创建 zh_CN.json 文件,内容如下:
"A fresh verification link has been sent to your email address.": "新的验证链接已发送到您的 E-mail。",
"All rights reserved.": "版本所有。",
"Before proceeding, please check your email for a verification link.": "在继续之前请先验证您的 E-mail。",
"click here to request another": "点击重新发送 E-mail",
"Confirm Password": "确认密码",
"E-Mail Address": "E-mail",
"Error": "错误",
"Forbidden": "访问被拒绝",
"Forgot Your Password?": "忘记密码?",
"Go Home": "回首页",
"Hello!": "您好:",
"hi": "嗨",
"If you did not create an account, no further action is required.": "如果您未注册帐号,请忽略此邮件。",
"If you did not receive the email": "如果您没有收到",
"If you did not request a password reset, no further action is required.": "如果您未申请重设密码,请忽略此邮件。",
"If you’re having trouble clicking the \":actionText\" button, copy and paste the URL below\ninto your web browser: [:actionURL](:actionURL)": "如果您点击「:actionText」按钮时出现问题,请复制下方链接到浏览器中开启: [:actionURL](:actionURL)",
"Login": "登录",
"Logout": "注销",
"Name": "姓名",
"Oh no": "不好!",
"Page Expired": "页面会话已超时",
"Page Not Found": "页面不存在",
"Password": "密码",
"Please click the button below to verify your email address.": "请点击下面按钮验证您的 E-mail:",
"Regards": "致敬",
"Register": "注册",
"Remember Me": "记住我",
"Reset Password": "重设密码",
"Reset Password Notification": "重设密码通知",
"Send Password Reset Link": "发送重设密码链接",
"Service Unavailable": "暂时不提供服务",
"Sorry, you are forbidden from accessing this page.": "很抱歉,你没有权限访问此页面。",
"Sorry, the page you are looking for could not be found.": "很抱歉!您浏览的页面不存在。",
"Sorry, you are making too many requests to our servers.": "很抱歉!您向我们的服务器发出太多请求了。",
"Sorry, you are not authorized to access this page.": "很抱歉!您没有权限浏览此页面。",
"Sorry, your session has expired. Please refresh and try again.": "很抱歉!您的 Session 已过期,请刷新后再试一次。",
"Sorry, we are doing some maintenance. Please check back soon.": "很抱歉!我们正在维护网站,请稍候再回来。",
"Toggle navigation": "切换导航",
"Too Many Requests": "太多请求",
"Unauthorized": "未授权",
"Verify Email Address": "验证 E-mail",
"Verify Your Email Address": "验证 E-mail",
"You are receiving this email because we received a password reset request for your account.": "您收到此电子邮件是因为我们收到了您帐户的密码重设请求。",
"Whoops!": "哎呦!",
"Whoops, something went wrong on our servers.": "哎呀,我们的服务器出了问题。",
"This password reset link will expire in :count minutes.": "此密码重置链接将会在:count分钟内失效。"
然后还是在 /resources/lang 目录中创建 zh_CN 目录,在里面创建 auth.php、validation.php、passwords.php 三个文件,具体内容分别如下:
return [
| Authentication Language Lines
| The following language lines are used during authentication for various
| messages that we need to display to the user. You are free to modify
| these language lines according to your application's requirements.
'failed' => '用户名或密码错误。',
'throttle' => '您的尝试登录次数过多,请 :seconds 秒后再试。',
return [
| Validation Language Lines
| The following language lines contain the default error messages used by
| the validator class. Some of these rules have multiple versions such
| as the size rules. Feel free to tweak each of these messages.
'accepted' => '您必须接受 :attribute。',
'active_url' => ':attribute 不是一个有效的网址。',
'after' => ':attribute 必须要晚于 :date。',
'after_or_equal' => ':attribute 必须要等于 :date 或更晚。',
'alpha' => ':attribute 只能由字母组成。',
'alpha_dash' => ':attribute 只能由字母、数字、短划线(-)和下划线(_)组成。',
'alpha_num' => ':attribute 只能由字母和数字组成。',
'array' => ':attribute 必须是一个数组。',
'before' => ':attribute 必须要早于 :date。',
'before_or_equal' => ':attribute 必须要等于 :date 或更早。',
'between' => [
'numeric' => ':attribute 必须介于 :min - :max 之间。',
'file' => ':attribute 必须介于 :min - :max KB 之间。',
'string' => ':attribute 必须介于 :min - :max 个字符之间。',
'array' => ':attribute 必须只有 :min - :max 个单元。',
'boolean' => ':attribute 必须为布尔值。',
'confirmed' => ':attribute 两次输入不一致。',
'date' => ':attribute 不是一个有效的日期。',
'date_equals' => ':attribute 必须要等于 :date。',
'date_format' => ':attribute 的格式必须为 :format。',
'different' => ':attribute 和 :other 必须不同。',
'digits' => ':attribute 必须是 :digits 位的数字。',
'digits_between' => ':attribute 必须是介于 :min 和 :max 位的数字。',
'dimensions' => ':attribute 图片尺寸不正确。',
'distinct' => ':attribute 已经存在。',
'email' => ':attribute 不是一个合法的邮箱。',
'exists' => ':attribute 不存在。',
'file' => ':attribute 必须是文件。',
'filled' => ':attribute 不能为空。',
'gt' => [
'numeric' => ':attribute 必须大于 :value。',
'file' => ':attribute 必须大于 :value KB。',
'string' => ':attribute 必须多于 :value 个字符。',
'array' => ':attribute 必须多于 :value 个元素。',
'gte' => [
'numeric' => ':attribute 必须大于或等于 :value。',
'file' => ':attribute 必须大于或等于 :value KB。',
'string' => ':attribute 必须多于或等于 :value 个字符。',
'array' => ':attribute 必须多于或等于 :value 个元素。',
'image' => ':attribute 必须是图片。',
'in' => '已选的属性 :attribute 非法。',
'in_array' => ':attribute 没有在 :other 中。',
'integer' => ':attribute 必须是整数。',
'ip' => ':attribute 必须是有效的 IP 地址。',
'ipv4' => ':attribute 必须是有效的 IPv4 地址。',
'ipv6' => ':attribute 必须是有效的 IPv6 地址。',
'json' => ':attribute 必须是正确的 JSON 格式。',
'lt' => [
'numeric' => ':attribute 必须小于 :value。',
'file' => ':attribute 必须小于 :value KB。',
'string' => ':attribute 必须少于 :value 个字符。',
'array' => ':attribute 必须少于 :value 个元素。',
'lte' => [
'numeric' => ':attribute 必须小于或等于 :value。',
'file' => ':attribute 必须小于或等于 :value KB。',
'string' => ':attribute 必须少于或等于 :value 个字符。',
'array' => ':attribute 必须少于或等于 :value 个元素。',
'max' => [
'numeric' => ':attribute 不能大于 :max。',
'file' => ':attribute 不能大于 :max KB。',
'string' => ':attribute 不能大于 :max 个字符。',
'array' => ':attribute 最多只有 :max 个单元。',
'mimes' => ':attribute 必须是一个 :values 类型的文件。',
'mimetypes' => ':attribute 必须是一个 :values 类型的文件。',
'min' => [
'numeric' => ':attribute 必须大于等于 :min。',
'file' => ':attribute 大小不能小于 :min KB。',
'string' => ':attribute 至少为 :min 个字符。',
'array' => ':attribute 至少有 :min 个单元。',
'not_in' => '已选的属性 :attribute 非法。',
'not_regex' => ':attribute 的格式错误。',
'numeric' => ':attribute 必须是一个数字。',
'present' => ':attribute 必须存在。',
'regex' => ':attribute 格式不正确。',
'required' => ':attribute 不能为空。',
'required_if' => '当 :other 为 :value 时 :attribute 不能为空。',
'required_unless' => '当 :other 不为 :values 时 :attribute 不能为空。',
'required_with' => '当 :values 存在时 :attribute 不能为空。',
'required_with_all' => '当 :values 存在时 :attribute 不能为空。',
'required_without' => '当 :values 不存在时 :attribute 不能为空。',
'required_without_all' => '当 :values 都不存在时 :attribute 不能为空。',
'same' => ':attribute 和 :other 必须相同。',
'size' => [
'numeric' => ':attribute 大小必须为 :size。',
'file' => ':attribute 大小必须为 :size KB。',
'string' => ':attribute 必须是 :size 个字符。',
'array' => ':attribute 必须为 :size 个单元。',
'starts_with' => ':attribute 必须以 :values 为开头。',
'string' => ':attribute 必须是一个字符串。',
'timezone' => ':attribute 必须是一个合法的时区值。',
'unique' => ':attribute 已经存在。',
'uploaded' => ':attribute 上传失败。',
'url' => ':attribute 格式不正确。',
'uuid' => ':attribute 必须是有效的 UUID。',
| Custom Validation Language Lines
| Here you may specify custom validation messages for attributes using the
| convention 'attribute.rule' to name the lines. This makes it quick to
| specify a specific custom language line for a given attribute rule.
'custom' => [
'attribute-name' => [
'rule-name' => 'custom-message',
| Custom Validation Attributes
| The following language lines are used to swap attribute place-holders
| with something more reader friendly such as E-Mail Address instead
| of 'email'. This simply helps us make messages a little cleaner.
'attributes' => [
'name' => '名称',
'username' => '用户名',
'email' => '邮箱',
'first_name' => '名',
'last_name' => '姓',
'password' => '密码',
'password_confirmation' => '确认密码',
'city' => '城市',
'country' => '国家',
'address' => '地址',
'phone' => '电话',
'mobile' => '手机',
'age' => '年龄',
'sex' => '性别',
'gender' => '性别',
'day' => '天',
'month' => '月',
'year' => '年',
'hour' => '时',
'minute' => '分',
'second' => '秒',
'title' => '标题',
'content' => '内容',
'description' => '描述',
'excerpt' => '摘要',
'date' => '日期',
'time' => '时间',
'available' => '可用的',
'size' => '大小',
return [
| Password Reminder Language Lines
| The following language lines are the default lines which match reasons
| that are given by the password broker for a password update attempt
| has failed, such as for an invalid token or invalid new password.
'password' => '密码至少是六位字符并且应与确认密码匹配。',
'reset' => '密码重置成功,请使用新密码登录!',
'sent' => '密码重置邮件已发送!',
'token' => '密码重置令牌无效。',
'user' => '找不到该邮箱对应的用户(不存在该邮箱)。',
注意名字不能更改,必须根据 ISO 15897 命名语言文件及目录。
刷新后 Laravel Breeze 已经设置为中文,其中的表单验证提示信息、邮箱确认及密码重置等邮件内容都显示为中文了。